Dynamic strategies for active learning


  • Editor Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela


Dynamic Strategies. Collaborative Learning. ICT Skills.


This paper presents an approach to knowledge which is nowadays meeting with active learning. Therefore, the path invites
students to move towards greater participation and control, from knowledge its characteristics and consequences within
the new university context for subsequent methodological changes that must occur from Internet, as well as skills a present teacher must hold, as the construction of knowledge from the constructivist model, which will facilitate the appropriation of an active learning, from reviewing revitalization strategies that stimulates thinking about what to do?, why? and how to do it? to achieve a collaborative learning associated with a series of educational activities existing in web environments (chat, forum, glossary, wiki task ), on the way to a differentiating environment that enables the activation of learning.


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How to Cite

Gómez , Y. . (2014). Dynamic strategies for active learning. Eduweb, 8(1), 85–99. Retrieved from https://revistaeduweb.org/index.php/eduweb/article/view/134




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