Moodle, un medio tecnológico de apoyo a la educación a distancia y presencial


  • Madelén Piña R Universidad de Carabobo, FACE,


Moodle, Tools, ICTs, Teaching-learning, Synchronous, Asynchronous


Moodle free platform is a tool for the classroom to promote the collaborative and cooperative learning. Its availability is similar to the functions of a school subject board located in the cyberspace. The creation of these academic and technological environments of facilitates the professor’s adaptation to the educational models that any University must use, integrating new technologies to the teaching-learning process; so that it goes beyond time and space barriers. Also, a series of components is offered to teachers and students who may use them o increase their knowledge, to discuss academic issues through a forum or to access to on-line documents of different size, questionnaires or tests. Teachers may also communicate with their students permanently, by using e-mail, wiki, surveys or glossary. Thus, the teaching and learning process becomes more dynamic (synchronous or asynchronous), complete, interactive and stimulating, not only for teachers but also for the group of students, and without any HTML knowledge. With Moodle, professors don´t need to master any specific technological knowledge to create their own educational community; instead they are required to devote themselves to the teaching activity, as it is specified in this material designed for professors, which consists of motivating the pedagogical and technical use of this virtual teaching-learning environment (VTLEs). In this line of action, the software Moodle is framed in many Web servers, at national and international levels. In our particular case, the Carabobo University through the DTA, in FACE, has created the course Educative Computer Science I, whose main objective is to analyze the impact of the computer science development of the ICTs and its application in educational settings, at the same time, was used to prepare the above mentioned document.



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How to Cite

Piña R, . M. . (2008). Moodle, un medio tecnológico de apoyo a la educación a distancia y presencial. Eduweb, 2(1), 119–135. Retrieved from


