
  • Marcos Urdaneta Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín
  • María Guanipa Pérez Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín


Profile. Competences. Professor–Tutor. On-line Education. Technological Skills


The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the online professor’s competence profile required for his/her effective teaching performance in the use of the Information and Communicational Technology (ICT) on the Web. The research is framed under a quantitative, positivist and epistemological approach to describe, explain, control and predict knowledge. It is a case study design. Direct observation and a survey were applied for gathering data. The Cronbach Coefficient was used to validate these instruments. Results show actual professors demonstrate domain in psychological, pedagogical and communicative skills. Although they can manage quite  well with the use of chat, forums and e-mails, professors should be trained in some other technical capacities. Likewise, it was proposed some other features related to the description of objectives, functions, tutorial styles, formation and phases which are expected to be hold by online tutors to develop metacognition. Monitoring and evaluation was also proposed to expand online tutorial interactivity that characterizes long distance tutelage.


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How to Cite

Urdaneta, M. ., & Guanipa Pérez, M. . (2008). PERFIL DE COMPETENCIAS DEL DOCENTE TUTOR EN LÍNEA PARA LA EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA. Eduweb, 2(2), 111–134. Retrieved from


