Gypsy ethnicity and ICTs: A case study


  • Editor Facultad de Educación Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa Universidad de Sevilla ESPAÑA


Social inclusion. ICT. Truancy. School drop-out. Gypsy ethnic group.


The drop-out rate and special characteristics of a school where all students are gypsies constitute the main assumptions for
the present paper. The objective is to what extent the decision of including ICTs in such an educative institution has changed
the level of absenteeism. Interviews to teachers and staff together with focus groups conformed by Primary and Secondary students reveal a relationship between the introduction of ICTs and student permanence, particularly at the secondary stage (High School). Also, it is found the importance of including ICTs in those scenarios to intensify the social inclusion of such underprivileged social groups, and expanding the scope of work to families.


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How to Cite

Romero Tena , R. . (2014). Gypsy ethnicity and ICTs: A case study. Eduweb, 8(2), 99–112. Retrieved from




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