Model for analysis of expectations of success in collaborative virtual groups


  • Editor Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela,
  • Francisca Grimón Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad de Carabobo, , Valencia, Venezuela
  • Mirella Herrera Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad de Carabobo, , Valencia, Venezuela
  • Joshep Monguet Departamento de Expresión Gráfica en Ingeniería, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, , Barcelona, España.


Collaborative Learning. Moodle Platform. Pls Graph.


This article aims to develop and validate a model to analyze a group of students’ expectations of success, and who share
knowledge in collaborative activities through Internet. It was designed an exploratory correlation research, establishing
causal relationships between variables that may threat the expectations of success of the study group. The population was constituted by students enrolled in one of the courses at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Carabobo. The Case Study was the teaching strategy applied, specifically the problem solving. A survey was applied to gather data. The statistical tool of Structural Equation Model, through PLS Graph software was employed to analyze results. Research hypotheses were validated, confirming that self-efficacy (individual’s self belief to perform a task) and individual’s expectations of personal success influence on the success of the group’s expectations, while personal experience is a variable that influences indirectly. Predictability of the Model was found acceptable because 33% of the variance of the group’s success expectations can be explained by exogenous constructs planned. The relevance of this study lies on the contribution for developers of virtual learning environments to understand that they should strengthen self-efficacy and reduce the fear for technology, so
that it won’t be seeing as a barrier in the educational process, either for not knowing how to use it or for mistrusting technology as a means to achieve learning.


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How to Cite

Guerra, L. ., Grimón, F. ., Herrera, M. ., & Monguet, J. . (2013). Model for analysis of expectations of success in collaborative virtual groups. Eduweb, 7(1), 55–68. Retrieved from


