Semantic Observation in the social process of a Virtual Learning Environment


  • Editor Escuela de Computación, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela
  • Joaquín García Carrasco Facultad de Educación, Universidad de Salamanca, España


Semantic, Observation technique, Virtual Environment, Learning.


This paper presents partial results of a previous research, in the context of a Semantics analysis, as a linking element of the social process that takes place in virtual learning environments. It draws a distinction between the Semantic Web, which proposes to incorporate descriptive elements to speed up searches, and the Web with Semantics, which only aims to incorporate elements that establish the semantic context within the content of Web documents. In this sense, it is showed the
application of the observational technique to the students’ interactions in a virtual learning environment to determine which
elements constitute semantic anchors, facilitating the negotiation of meanings, as a social process for students’ knowledge


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How to Cite

Leguízamo León, A. V. ., & García Carrasco, J. . (2013). Semantic Observation in the social process of a Virtual Learning Environment. Eduweb, 7(1), 131–142. Retrieved from


