
  • Marlene Arias Universidad de Carabobo
  • Yngrid Gómez Universidad de Carabobo


Distance Education. Instructional Design. Online Course


Venezuelan universities have been added to the process of incorporating online courses for distance education to impro- ve the educational process, particularly at Carabobo universities from the Advanced Technology Office (DTA/UC) driven by the inquiry, organization and systematization of the question: How to support distance education at the UC? which refers di- rectly to the proposal for the organization and design of online courses. Starting from the question: how to coordinate organizational, academic and technological issues, involved in the design and construction of online courses at UC? framed in some of the Conference themes: “TIC and university education”, “innovative projects focusing on TIC for education” and “TIC and reconfiguration of education and its institutions”, this document is intended to solve a professor’s need: How can I incorporate ICTs in my subject? or How can I incorporate my subject in the learning virtual university context? Therefore, it is required an operational tool to facilitate professors switch from a face to face environment to a virtual one, allowing him/her to develop or adapt the instructional design to both, a traditional course and an online course. This process occurs through the development of a series of documents that guide teachers to build up the methodological scheme. It is an unfinished study in permanent construction and reform in term of input driven by the educational actors: university teachers at the UC who have implemented the methology.


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How to Cite

Arias, M. ., & Gómez, Y. . (2011). HOW DTA SUPPORTS DISTANCE EDUCATION AT UC?. Eduweb, 5(2), 117–130. Retrieved from




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