
  • Verónica Marín Díaz Universidad de Córdoba


Primary education. Videogames. Curriculum


Working in education means, in many cases, to try to be at the forefront of methodological strategies to make more attractive the formative training curriculum for better student´s assimilation of concepts. Sometimes, knowledge is often complex and both teachers and students find themselves in situations of anguish either by thinking the impossibility to communicate such content or because it is thought learners have no capacities to apprehend it. Hence, teachers look for additional tools to complement their educational model and teaching methodologies. Information technologies and communication tecnologies (ICT’s) have become over the years in one of the most helpful tools for teachers, at all education levels, to introduce subject contents, in a friendly and simple way. These video games are gaining, little by little, more supporters to develop curriculum. The purpose of this article is to propose a new way for understanding curriculum at the primary level, through the collaborative work among different subjects


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How to Cite

Marín Díaz , V. . (2010). TRABAJAR LA EDUCACIÓN PRIMARIA E-INCLUSIVA DESDE LOS VIDEOJUEGOS. Eduweb, 4(2), 9–23. Retrieved from




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