Mythologization of the inner space of the North Caucasus and folklore




folklore, the formation of personality, mythology, pedagogy, North Caucasus, auto-stereotypes, Ingush culture.


Modern electronic civilization actualizes the sphere of mythology and folklore to change the internal traditional picture of the world. The authors consider how the traditional picture of the world of the patriarchal North Caucasian society affects the mythologized perception of space and awareness of one's own place in the new mythologized world. The authors consider the system of aesthetic education in the Caucasus (on the example of Ingushetia) as an effective tool for preserving ethnic and socio-cultural identity in an aggressive environment of digital influence. The authors analyze how the characteristics of the mythologized heroes of the Nart epic are perceived by modern Ingush schoolchildren. The authors describe which features of the epic heroes of the Caucasian epic are desirable and preferred for the younger generation of the region. This allows us to confirm our hypothesis about the presence of a common basis among the peoples of the Caucasus, which has received an independent development in each of the original cultures. This article illustrates the first experience of analysis on the study of the mythologization of the inner space of a person in a school course on folklore of the peoples of the Caucasus, using the example of the Ingush folk culture.

Author Biographies

Fatima B. Sautieva, Ingush state University, Magas, Ingushetia.

PhD of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, Ingush state University, Magas, Ingushetia.

Ismail M. Radzhabov, Dagestan state pedagogical University, Makhachkala, Russia.

Doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Dagestan state pedagogical University, Makhachkala, Russia.

Irina S. Karabulatova, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN-university), Moscow, Russia.

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Philological Faculty, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN-university), Moscow, Russia.

Olesia Mikhailovna Pakhomenkova , Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command Military School, Moscow, Russia.

Teacher, Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command Military School, Moscow, Russia.


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How to Cite

Sautieva, F. B. ., Radzhabov, I. M. ., Karabulatova, I. S. ., & Pakhomenkova , O. M. . (2021). Mythologization of the inner space of the North Caucasus and folklore. Eduweb, 15(2), 278–291.




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