The development of the learning of mathematics by using optimal ict, a semi face-to-face teaching experience. case of postgraduate University of Carabobo


  • Editor Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela


ICT, teaching strategies, learning.


The study on the development of learning mathematics through the optimal use of ICT, a semiclassroom teaching experience, therefore seeks to provide basic tools to analyze the impact of technology in education, to consolidate the knowledge for integration of ICT in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Piaget's theory and the National Project "Simon Bolivar, under a field investigation, the descriptive experimental method, the information used in the process of incorporating ICT in educational practice with a sample of 24 participants, led as a result, that the same participants develop their digital educational materials supported by tools for developing websites, getting high participation rates in courses created, enriched through the use of ICT.


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How to Cite

Téllez Isaac, A. . . (2016). The development of the learning of mathematics by using optimal ict, a semi face-to-face teaching experience. case of postgraduate University of Carabobo. Eduweb, 10(2), 81–90. Retrieved from


