Criteria for assessing the mediator teacher's proficient performance in the Digital Age


  • Editor Dirección General de Estudios de Postgrado, Universidad José Antonio Páez. Urbanización Yuma II, Calle 3. San Diego Estado Carabobo. Venezuela.
  • Evelyn C. Arreaza Dirección General de Estudios Básicos y Generales. Universidad José Antonio Páez. Urbanización Yuma II, Calle 3. San Diego Estado Carabobo. Venezuela.


Skilled teaching performance, ICT achievement criteria. ICT teaching skills. Teaching at the digital age. Learning to learn.


In Venezuela, the task of educating citizens is assigned to teachers who, luckily today, count with multiple computer and
communication resources to ensure the student to learn. So, the purpose of the present research is to determine performance criteria to assess a skilled performance on the educational usage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). A naturalistic research, following by an interpretative approach was carried out, as well as the participant observation, the taking of field notes and the content analysis of activities developed by the professor in three blended-learning courses, at a graduate level. As a result, fifteen indicators or criteria emerged, which can be used to assess the achievement of a skilled teacher’s performance in using internet resources. Therefore, there is no difference between traditional and virtual implementations of curriculum design when the educational goal is to ease learning to learn.


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How to Cite

Páez, H. G., & Arreaza, E. C. . (2013). Criteria for assessing the mediator teacher’s proficient performance in the Digital Age. Eduweb, 7(2), 23–36. Retrieved from


