Work guide for micro curricular planning competence curriculum in the computer mention of the Carabobo University following the approach, Durant and Naveda (2012)


  • Roger Meléndez Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela.


Competition, Evaluation by competition, Micro-curriculum by competition, Planning guide model, Ecosystem transcomplex approach.


The competency approach emerges as one of the alternatives to respond to social demands, which seeks to generate an education of greater relevance and quality, the method to follow for this venture, is to develop a work guide for the development of the micro curriculum by competition, which constitutes a guiding base that allows teachers to prepare the
planning in their respective curricular unit, based on problematic nodes and training projects that are characterized by the integration of knowledge, evaluation supported by rubrics , digital validation techniques of the material to be consulted, concept maps, and digital portfolios.

Author Biography

Roger Meléndez, Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela.

Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Meléndez, R. . (2020). Work guide for micro curricular planning competence curriculum in the computer mention of the Carabobo University following the approach, Durant and Naveda (2012). Eduweb, 14(1), 20–32. Retrieved from


