Instagram as a complementary virtual learning environment to strengthen teaching-learning processes during the Pandemic




Social Network, Instagram, Teaching devices, Pandemic.


We currently live in a digital society where access to information is unlimited and immediate through different technological means and platforms such as social networks. This has brought about changes and transformations due to the pandemic, and one of the places where it is most reflected is in university education. This article exposes the implementation of a didactic device that articulates the use of the social network Instagram as a complementary tool within the subject of Interactive Design and User Experience and the different phases of development and an analysis related to the use of the social network are exposed. Instagram as a complementary tool in the acquisition of content. For this study, a didactic device has been created articulating with the @esperienciadeusuarioumet Instagram account in order to enhance the learning of the contents of the subject, taking as a basis the communicative power that the platform has and its accessibility as well as the generation possibilities content and interaction.

Author Biography

Antonieta Kuz, Universidad Metropolitana para la Educación y el Trabajo Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Universidad Metropolitana para la Educación y el Trabajo Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Kuz, A. . (2022). Instagram as a complementary virtual learning environment to strengthen teaching-learning processes during the Pandemic. Eduweb, 16(1), 130–142.




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