The use of whatsapp for the accompaniment and promotion of collaborative work in virtual continuing education courses


  • Editor Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela
  • Raymond Marquina Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela


continuing education, collaborative learning, WhatsApp.


The tools that have emerged thanks to the rapid evolution of mobile devices, give us new opportunities in the field of education. In the present article, was analyzed the interaction between the members of two groups of students online on continuing education courses in the WhatsApp application. The study was descriptive research in its scope; interviews, surveys and conversation registered were used in each group. The results obtained in the analysis of the interaction indicate that the vast majority approves the use of groups as an important resource for the promotion of collaborative learning.


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How to Cite

Benítez , E. ., & Marquina, R. . . (2018). The use of whatsapp for the accompaniment and promotion of collaborative work in virtual continuing education courses. Eduweb, 12(1), 21‐32. Retrieved from


