Management, research and training platform in sustainable technologies for weblab


  • Editor Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela


collaborative design, WebLab, research platform, sustainable technology, reconfigurable hardware, energy efficiency.


This research describes the design of a platform for management , research and training to support hardware / software of a WebLab, oriented to applications for sustainable technology related to energy efficiency, renewable energy and resource reuse hardware in order to promote research and collaborative design. The methodology addressed includes the systematization of practical designs developed in the laboratory of microcontrollers, from which the requirements of the platform are defined and focuses on the reuse of hardware electronic components, allowing its adaptation to the prototyping innovation. Next, the conceptual design of teleoperated hardware module , which integrates concepts of Hybrid Systems and Dynamic hardware reconfiguration is presented. The main contribution is given by providing a tool for the efficient study designs. Can be concluded that the GIFTS platform is a versatile option to promote the philosophy of eco-responsible design in the area of
engineering, in the form of collaborative distributed design alternative.


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How to Cite

Sandoval Ruiz , C. . . . (2016). Management, research and training platform in sustainable technologies for weblab. Eduweb, 10(1), 79‐92. Retrieved from


