Education - curriculum and knowledge society


  • Editor Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela


Education. Curriculum. Information and communication technology. Knowledge societies


The world is changing abruptly and therefore a constant and general revision of the curriculum development is essential to
detect if knowledge, skills and abilities intending to improve students’ learning process are those requiring for knowledge
societies. The purpose of the present article is to expose education and curriculum evolution, and necessary changes made
to meet needs of the knowledge society. It is examined the historical context from industrial, informational and knowledge
revolution. It is concluded the necessity of substantial changes in syllaby to overcome the so-called rigid curriculum to move
on the semi-flexible, flexible or modular curriculum.


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How to Cite

Meléndez, R. . (2015). Education - curriculum and knowledge society. Eduweb, 9(2), 51–62. Retrieved from




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