Virtual social networks for education and the change from digital to productive leisure.


  • Editor Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Social Universidad de Los Andes - Venezuela


Social networks. Digital leisure. Productive leisure.


The present research aims to explain the importance of social networking to current Education, establishing its good use, why
and what for to employ such a means, as a learning enhancer, at any educational level. It also shows main mechanisms to
change from digital to productive leisure. It is a documentary methodology based on the critical reflective thinking of the theme developed. It is concluded that current education must be supported by the Information Technology and Communication and, particularly, in the social networking to develop the actual students’ creative, critical and emotional learning.


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How to Cite

Chipia Lobo , J. F. . . (2013). Virtual social networks for education and the change from digital to productive leisure. Eduweb, 7(1), 131–142. Retrieved from




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