
  • Maritza Rojas de Gudiño Universidad José Antonio Páez
  • Antonio Avellán Vegas Universidad José Antonio Páez


words: Ethical Dimension. Pedagogy in Values. Collabo- rative Learning


The purpose of this research is to promote, from the on line educational context, collaborative learning activities, in which students self monitor their behavior, according to specific principles related to desired values expected from a professional that the present society requires. In spite of knowing the relevant role that collaborative learning strategies play in the social constructivism, yet researchers have determined, in a previous research, the difficulty to guarantee the individual performance. In the subject Teaching with Process Transference, of the Graduate Educational Program in Higher Education at the UJAP, collaborative activities were developed in monitored virtual contexts, in a cognitive and affective interaction. An evaluative scale was applied combined with performances and attitudes proper of a virtual learning context. The application of qualitative methods enabled researchers to relate the detailed description of each one of these items with the values that support the common moral development, as one of the transverse axes of a constructivist context (Avellán, 2006). The effective feedback of the students’ performance and progress favored the metacognitive reflection about the truly meaning of collaboration, based on the mutual support to give and receive the best of the person according to his/her own style, and to principles of prudence, justice, strength, mildness, honesty, solidarity and compassion.


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How to Cite

Rojas de Gudiño , M. ., & Avellán Vegas, A. . (2007). LA DIMENSION ÉTICA DEL APRENDIZAJE COLABORATIVO. Eduweb, 1(2), 119–128. Retrieved from


