Managing activities using interaction hypermedia environments: a proposal for e-tutors.


  • Editor Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela
  • Raymond Marquina Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela


Guidelines. E-moderation. Video-conferences. Synchronous communication. E-learning.


This paper presents a proposal to develop academic activities using collaborative hypermedia environments of synchronous
interaction. It emerged as an initiative from a group of people concerned with planning and development of academic activities in higher education. Such a proposal comprises some guidelines for professors to moderate video-conferences, including e-teachers’ roles to accomplish an effective interaction with their e-students in this kind of environments. It is also included a section describing the most common technical problems that may hinder the successful development of videoconferences. Finally, some recommendations are given to eteachers to effectively organize, plan and manage activities using hypermedia environments which promote synchronous interaction.


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How to Cite

Pérez, T., & Marquina , R. . (2012). Managing activities using interaction hypermedia environments: a proposal for e-tutors. Eduweb, 6(2), 105–125. Retrieved from


