Meta-analysis: Cyberviolence from students to teachers




metaanálisis, ciberviolencia, ciberataque, docente.


This research work is a documentary quantitative with an exploratory scope where a Meta Analysis (MA) of the investigations from 2015 to 2021 was carried out, the search filters used were of a specific interval and discipline. Its objectives were to analyze cyberviolence against teachers; for this, we approach the cyberviolence types they have faced, the cyber attack permanence, tactics and techniques used by the perpetrators and how the lack of technological competence makes them vulnerable beings. In a first approach, was rescued the situation in Mexico where the issue of cyberbullying to the teacher has not been studied, given that all the investigations found, in open educational journals, were of an international nature, the national ones have focused on cyberbullying among students and their methods of prevention and school intervention. Among other results, it is considered the perpetrator as the student, the father or mother of the Family and even so their peers at the workplace and the most used tactic is cyber-baiting.

Author Biographies

María Luisa Pereira Hernández, Universidad Pedagógica del Estado de Sinaloa, México

Docente de la Universidad Pedagógica del Estado de Sinaloa, México

Arturo González Torres, Tecnológico Nacional de México, México.

Tecnológico Nacional de México/ I.T. De Milpa Alta Independencia Sur No. 36, Alcaldía Milpa Alta, México.


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How to Cite

Pereira Hernández, M. L. ., & González Torres, A. . (2023). Meta-analysis: Cyberviolence from students to teachers. Eduweb, 17(3), 20–33.


