PDF-3D as educational technology


  • Editor Universidad de Salamanca, EPS Zamora, España
  • Diego Vergara Rodríguez Universidad Católica de Ávila, Ávila, España


PDF-3D, educational technology.


Some of the educational technologies emerged with a different objective to training or education. One example is the PDF-3D which, despite having great potential in the training sector, is still little known in the educational field. The PDF-3D is an educational technology that is easy to create or to design and that is especially useful for subjects related to spatial visualization, since this tool offers different useful applications in this field: create transparencies, make cuts, rotate parts, rotate parts, etc. In addition, its great advantage is that it can be opened with Acrobat Reader®, i.e., it is not necessary any special program installed on the computer to work with a PDF-3D. 


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How to Cite

Rubio Cavero, M. P. ., & Vergara Rodríguez, D. . (2018). PDF-3D as educational technology. Eduweb, 12(2), 205‐213. Retrieved from https://revistaeduweb.org/index.php/eduweb/article/view/59


