Virtual Learning Environments: Emerging space for educational activities of the University Program Open Learning (UPOL)


  • Editor Doctorado en Educación Universidad de los Andes Venezuela


UPOL. ICT. VLE. Cooperative Learning. Learning Community


The University Program Open Learning (UPOL), is based on an open and integrated curriculum framework for projects developed under the structure of endogenous development and students’ vocations to meet participants’ demands, and as a
classroom activity complement of training programs, other teaching and learning spaces have been incorporated, using
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This project recognizes the learner as the main focus in his/her complex and dynamic human dimension. It also highlights three principles: Open study, collaborative learning and flexible learning, defined by two axioms: The educational that perceives what to be achieved and the technological one, which includes the means to make that journey. The aim is to guide the design of Virtual Learning Environments for UPOL educational processes. The VLE is conceived as an area of multiple uses. The design process of VLE, established in accordance with the guidelines, sets out in the educational framework of the proposal, referred to the preparatory, production and execution stages which, at the same time, describe actions and strategies.


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How to Cite

Pérez de A. , M. del C. . . (2013). Virtual Learning Environments: Emerging space for educational activities of the University Program Open Learning (UPOL). Eduweb, 7(1), 39–53. Retrieved from


