
  • Yosly C Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • Antonio Silva Sprock Universidad Central de Venezuela


Learning Objects, Pedagogical Aspects, Technological Aspects, Human Computer Interaction


This paper describes the experience of the web Learning Objects (LO) construction, integrating knowledge between areas of Education, Human Computer Interaction and Software Engineering, since LO is both software and an educational product. These educational resources were developed as collaborative projects in the elective course “Learning Objects: Pedagogical Aspects and Technological Aspects”, as part of the Computer Science Bachelor Degree, at the Venezuelan Central University. Students certainly know the technology and the use of various tools, but they don’t know pedagogical aspects concerned with the development of digital educational resources; so that in such a course it is integrated knowledge of three disciplines involved in the development of OA: The Human Computer Interaction, everything related to interface design, which must be meaningful to achieve the learner’s motivation;Education, the description of the teaching and learning process to take place, with an emphasis on promoting learning scenarios; and the Engineering Software which gives insights connected with how to implement the teaching and learning process in the computer. Once these resources were achieved, it was created metadata to enhance their use, and it was applied a SCORM package implemented in the virtual classroom of the subject, under the modality of the Moodle platform. Finally, it was applied a quality assessment tool.


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How to Cite

Hernández Bieliukas, Y. C., & Silva Sprock, A. . (2011). UNA EXPERIENCIA TECNOPEDAGÓGICA EN LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DE OBJETOS DE APRENDIZAJE WEB PARA LA ENSEÑANZA DE LA MATEMÁTICA BÁSICA. Eduweb, 5(1), 57–72. Retrieved from https://revistaeduweb.org/index.php/eduweb/article/view/212




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