The role of the teacher in an online english as a foreign language course: challenges and opportunities


  • Editor Escuela de Idiomas Modernos. Centro de Investigaciones en Lenguas Extranjeras, CILE. Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela


english, e-synchronous learning, tutor´s role.


The present research study aims to explore the tutor´s role in a synchronous communication English course (SCEC) in order to observe the challenges that tutors face and the opportunities they have in this kind of online teaching environments. This research study is framed within theories related to language teaching/learning mediated by synchronous communication tools and online tutoring. The study collected data from one tutor and two students through surveys and online observations. The
results will guide teachers on the pedagogical development and implementation of SCEC, particularly on the tasks and tutor´s technosocio-pedagogical competences in SCEC.


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How to Cite

Pérez , T. . . . (2018). The role of the teacher in an online english as a foreign language course: challenges and opportunities. Eduweb, 12(1), 33‐47. Retrieved from


