Reading and writing in times of new information and communication technologies


  • Editor Universidad de los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela
  • Duglas Moreno UNELLEZ, San Carlos, Venezuela


reading, writing, new technologies, teaching, education.


In this article we will try to discern how the so-called Information and Communication Technologies, hereinafter ICT, have substantially influenced the new ways of producing written texts, and of approaching the reading act as a fundamental basis for the development of knowledge, but Also to promote learning situations that are truly meaningful. The teacher must generate a turn to his pedagogical praxis entering the cyber world, this will be the best ally of an education that can truly offer society what is expected in times of globalization of information and knowledge.


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How to Cite

Andrade, . M. ., & Moreno, D. . (2017). Reading and writing in times of new information and communication technologies. Eduweb, 11(1), 55‐66. Retrieved from




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