New roll of professors’ ones when participating in a virtual classroom


  • Editor Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA) Barquisimeto – Edo. Lara – Venezuela


Role. Professors. Virtual Classroom.j


The subject Computing Introduction, which is part of the Nursing program of the Faculty of Health Sciences, at Lisandro Alvarado University, started during the It was then offered only under the f2f modality. Later, during the I-2011 term, it was
presented as an online course by means of a virtual classroom with 52 students. So, the purpose of this research is to describe the professors’ new role to implement a virtual classroom. Results showed: 4 trained professors to assume the role of an online instructor, to organize the training instruction at the beginning of the semester, to apply a pre-test to meet students’ needs, to use of mass media as forums, chats and emails to guide the educational process, and finally, to apply summative and formative assessments to feedback the education process to determine the achievement of goals, students interaction, and satisfaction in the performance of the virtual classroom by both, professors and students.


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How to Cite

Henríquez G., G. . (2012). New roll of professors’ ones when participating in a virtual classroom. Eduweb, 6(2), 91–103. Retrieved from


